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Student reports - 2010
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Today 12th Oktober 2009 after school at 13.30 I have an Excursions. our first Destinatons is Haus des Handwerks (public affairs, chamber of handcraft Leipzig). we have an appointment with Dr. Wolter. She is explained about her company. After that we go to the second place, we go to Notar Assenbrunner to change the name of our school into ''international space education Institute''.

After we finished it, we go to the third place international kindergarden to make a persentation and take some photos with the kids. After it we go to the 4th place International School Leipzig. we continued our exkursions to 5th place TV-studio of Newdoc.


After that we go to the last place Conrad Electronic. We have to buy some parts for tommorow. After we find the parts what we need we go to home.At 18.30 we have some break for dinner until 19.30. And than I go to 4th floor to preparing the electronic room and briefing. Thats all what I did today.