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10.01.2010 - 17.01.2010
Museum RSC Energia - Moskau


Energia Museum

Während des Festaktes zum 102. Geburtstag von S.P. Koroljow im Enerigia-Museum am 12.01.2009, v.l.n.r.: 4. v.l.: Bürgermeister Morosenko, Prof. Natalia Koroljowa, Vorsitzender Ralf Heckel, Botschafterin Yvonne Heckel


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Programm Moskau Jan 2010

International Space Education Institute

Ralf Heckel  principal
mobil Moscow:   +7-926-3648981  if not work, see here
mobil Germany:   +49-172-7949375   (routed to Moscow mobil)
email:   ralf.heckel  (check each day)


Why this visit?

This annual visit is tradition since January 2007. It is for meetings, discussions to forward cooperations and to make the friendship to partners and students deeper. This year we will prepare international exchange programms: NASA Moonbuggy Race, German OKB I – Tour 2010, Mars 500 Rover, Space Olympics. We are part of the international delegation for the 103rd birthday of chief designer S.P. Korolev and present the new german book: “Vater”, a translation from “Otez” by N.S. Koroleva. All projects are on the tracks of the preparing to the 50th Years Celebration of Yuri Gagarin´s flight.

History of Moscow-visits for international space education

June 2003 first visit, MAI, launch of this international student program
Sept. 2003 Moscow/Korolev-City, launch of the first vernissage in space
Nov. 2003 ends of experiment two for “Bruno Banani in Space”
Oct. 2005 first german space students in Moscow, Korolev, GCTC, MAI, IMBP
Jan 2007 100 years S.P. Korolev, speaker on the Korolev readings at MGTU
May 2007 with student group at Roscosmos, GCTC, MAI and IMBP
Oct 2007 50 years Sputnik, invited guest, preparation for N.S. Koroleva to Huntsville
Jan 2008 start of “Koroleva to Huntsville”, last preparations, flight to USA
July 2008 Moscow, Kaluga, Orevo; preperation for N.S. Koroleva´s Tour to Germany
Jan 2009 102nd birthday S.P. Korolev, official international delegation, Kaluga
July 2009 speaker on the Aerospace Summer School in Alushta/Crimea
Jan 2010 103rd birthday S.P. Korolev, official international delegation, Kaluga


Sept 2011, at the Tsiolkovski Readings, Kaluga, internat. Space Education
Oct 2011, at the Space Olympics with students from Germany and USA
Jan 2011, speaker on the Korolev Readings, MGTU, internat. Space Education
April 2011, 50 years Y. Gagarin, leader of international youth delegations


10.01.2010, Sunday                                                    participants
12:15 Departure from Leipzig QW7648
13:15 Arrival in Moscow, Sheremetyevo 1
15:00 Yellow Blue Bus Hostel, 
           4th-Tverskaya Yamskaya, dom 5, app 8
17:00 MYMY Aeroport, meeting                                 Pavel Sharov (NK)
                                                                                        Nikita Yaskevitch (IBM)
                                                                                        … more interests are welcome
                                                                                        register yourself by email to me


11.01.2010, Monday
10:00 Moscow Aviation Institute, meeting              Prof. Zotov, Prof. Kalyazin
                                                                                        Prof. Malozemov
                                                                                        Prof. Malyshev
15:00 Novosti Kosmonavtiki, meeting
19:00 visit family Korolev                                           Prof. N.S. Koroleva


12.01.2010, Tuesday, S.P. Korolev Birthday
07:30 departure with bus to Korolev-City
10:00 opening ceremony Energia Museum   only for registered delegation
 Flowers to the Entree of OKB 1
 Korolev memorial in Energia factory
 Korolev memorial in Korolev City
 Korolev flat in Korolev City
 Korolev memorial at Prospect Mira
 Korolev grave at Kremlin wall 
ca 15h end

19:00 birthday party at Korolevs flat, Moscow  only for invited guests

13.01.2010, Wednesday
10:00 Roscosmos Headquarters                           Svetlana Gavrish
                                                                                       Igor Satula
13:00 Cosmic Museum, Prospect MIRA                Director, Pavel Sharov
15:00 Administration Korolev City                           Alexander Martynov
19:00 Dinner with VIP-friends in Moscow             register yourself by email to me

14.01.2010, Thursday
10:00 IMBP, Mars 500                                             Prof. Evgeni Demin
                                                                                     Prof. Boris Morukov

16:00 Moonbuggy-Meeting                                    meeting students of team Russia
           Location: MYMY Aeroport                            register yourself by email to me
                                                                                    write and print the invitations

after: Moscow night, dining, dancing
          or: Banja

15.01.2010, Friday
08:00 travel to Kaluga
11:00 visit dom museum Tsiolkovski                 Elena
13:00 visit modern museum Tsiolkovski           director
15:00 departure to Moscow
19:00 meeting at the hostel                                  register yourself by email to me


16.01.2010, Saturday
Free time with friends, snowing, Banja             Sergej Ryasanski, Pavel Sharov
discussion                                                               Alexander Lasutkin, ….


17.01.2010, Sunday
10:00 Departure to Aeroport Sheremetevo 1
14:00 Departure to Leipzig QW1648
18:50 Arrival Leipzig


*changings possible


Projects for discussions

NASA Moonbugy Race

science- and design contest in Huntsville USA, very popular, but high borders, current no  russian competitors – after 3 years promotion at MAI/MGTU/NK, we help to rebuilt and host the first russian team – to honor 40 years Lunochod and 50 years Gagarin with the future Russian generation

Therefore we meet interested russian students and invite them to workshops in Germany. Also discussions with administrations, industry and media are needed.

Krim-Moonbuggy Race

Participants:  Russian, German, European students for a USA-Excursion
Time:  Germany Febr and July 2010, USA April 2010 (each 1 week)

German OKB 1 – Tour 2010 

download overview

download Korolev-Tour 2008 (same program)

Peenemuende, Institut Rabe, Berlin, Kummersdorf, Leesten, Sondershausen, Bleicherode, Nordhausen: all these locations are places of young soviet rocket engineers. Their names were: Korolev, Tchertok, Isaev, Riasansky, Piljugin, Glushko, Ustinov, etc… Today this are famous names like “von Braun”, Rees, Stuhlinger, Jacobi and Dannenberg. The most of them became a chief designer and made the historical space race.

This tour is unique. We visit the living- and working-places of all, their houses, their places of private excursions with the family and the mystics. We will drive in their old cars of a Germany in October 1945. You can see how close the space history of USA and Russia was – sometimes in the same rooms!

Most important are the histories of old german scientists of Peenemuende. We met them – so long they are in good shape. We visit a Space Conference, make readings in several German schools and take a look into modern German industrial factories.


Participants: Russian, German and USA officials (engineers, scientists, press, cosmonauts)
Time:  Germany Sept 2010, 10 days

Mars 500 Rover

What if – a Mars-Explorer get a black out, sit on his Marsrover and is far from his mothership? The oxygen is limited - is this the end of humans most important expedition since ever?

What if – a Mars-Explorer changed his space suit, leaves his space ship and has not enough condition to walk, unfalt, steer or control his rover.

We make this international workshop to find out the problems of a mobility on the Mars – after a hard 240 day long duration trip in 0-gravity. This vehicles need totally new orientation systems, new control units and an own intelligence include new power systems and engines. It is lo longer a technical problem only – psychic details are also very important.

Young people are lateral thinker. The Moonbuggy Race is a fundament for this advanced challenge. In cooperation with the IMBP this contest is for international teams.

Mars 500

This program will launch soon. More partners are welcome.


Space Olympics

This contest will held in Korolev-City. The host is the administration of Korolev-City. The International Space Education Institute is organizing international student groups for this contest. Also it is planning to transport a Moonbuggy to this contest in October 2010.



Museum RSC Energia
Land: ru


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