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Student reports - 2014
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Sunday, April 6 – Huntsville, Alabama

Today was my first day spent in Huntsville. Yesterday evening I arrived with Mathilda and Tobias after we made a long journey from Leipzig to Huntsville via Chicago. The flight went well though and we thankfully had no delays. Ralf and the other team members gave us a warm greeting at the airport. It is always nice to see familiar faces after a long flight. We drove together to the Moonbuggy Workshop—an in-progress house close to being finished. The house provides us with a large garage to build the Moonbuggy, a fully functioning kitchen with a self-made bench, two bathrooms, an in-progress office space, and a warehouse in the back that is rented to a furniture maker. I was quite impressed with the amenities available to the team.

I know that I can speak for Tobias and Mathilda as well about how exhausted we were after the flight. It always takes a couple of days to adjust to the new time and catch up on missed sleep. Soon we were on our way to La Quinta Hotel—where Ralf has been taking the teams for years. The beds were amazingly comfortable, there was free Wi-Fi, and a delicious complimentary breakfast awaited us. I was happy to be there. I laid down, and soon, I was out.

This morning began with an early start for myself and I waited for the team members to join me in the breakfast lounge. Once we were all up, dressed, and fed—we gathered in our Moonbuggy bus and left for the workshop. The boys began to rebuild the Moonbuggy while Katerina, Mathilda, and I were given the duty to drive to the nearby Super-WalMart to supply our refrigerator with food for cheap and easy cooking. We made a list and soon I had us in the car and on our way. I picked out groceries to make salads, sandwiches, rice and beans, and pasta. But I still don't think we got enough with all of the hungry boys on the team.

For lunch, we prepared the sandwiches and the salad and all ate together inside the house. Then, as we planned, we went to the Springtime Farm Days—a one-day fair located in Huntsville. It was great. One could describe it as a living-museum where people imitated traditional home-making methods and trades. There was an area where blacksmiths were creating nails and hooks—they even helped me to create my very own self-made s-hook. There was a trailer that showed what was typically packed by the settlers as they made their way across America. Traditional music was being played by persons dressed in old clothing and old-style games were scattered across the whole area. We saw how cotton was created into string and also how to make rope. The fair was located up in the hills of Huntsville with a beautiful over-look of the city.

On our way back to the workshop, we stopped at Jesco von Puttkamer's old house to see the plaque that was installed. The son of the family that is currently living there spent the day with us and plans to continue participation in the Moonbuggy team. It was wonderful to have a new team-member—a spontaneous addition.

And now we sit at the bench in the kitchen getting ready to eat supper. Terry, a friend of ISEI and an engineer at NASA has cooked us a wonderfully delicious meal of white chicken chili and we are excited to enjoy it!

User Rating: / 1
Student reports - 2014
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NASA Rover Challenge 2014
Team Germany College
Mario Denzler

Aufräumen in der Moonbuggy Halle und neue Teammitglieder
Huntsville/Alabama, 05.04.2014

Der zweite Tag hat begonnen und Jonathan und ich genießen die frische Luft und joggen eine Runde ums Quartier.
Nachdem wir zurückgekommen sind und den Tag besprochen haben, fahren wir zur Lagerhalle. Hier muss ersteinmal alles aufgeräumt werden, ehe wir uns um das Aufstellen der einzelnen Teile kümmern. Erstaunlich, wie viel Staub überall herumgelegen hat. In weniger als einer Stunde haben wir alles im Lagerhaus gefegt, geräumt, aufgestellt und entsorgt und bereitgestellt für die Arbeiten, die uns später bevorstehen. Alles eine Frage der Fleißarbeit, wie ich finde.

Als nächstes führt uns Herr Heckel um Huntsville, inklusive einer kleinen Einführung in die Geschichte dieser Stadt. Nach dem Besuch des Huntsville Depots, das älteste Eisenbahndepot von Alabama, geht es weiter mit einem wunderschönen Spaziergang durch den Big Spring Park. Bemerkenswert auch, wie viele Fische darin schwimmen. Oder die in w    eiss blühenden Bäume.

Wenig später sitzen wir aber wieder im Van und holen heute unseren ersten Kollegen, Greg, ab. Anschließend ein gelassenes Picknick am Tennessee River, dann gehen wir schnell zum Space Center und schießen ein paar Bilder. Daraufhin ab ins Marriott Hotel, schnell im Pool Baden gehen.
Nun wird es Zeit, die Kollegen aus Leipzig zu empfangen. Pünktlich kommen Amanda, Tobias und Mathi an, mit denen ich für die nächsten Tage nun arbeiten werde.
Hiermit schließe ich ab, gespannt auf den nächsten Tag...


User Rating: / 1
Student reports - 2014
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NASA Rover Challenge 2014
Team Germany College
Jonathan Holtmann

Getting the Moonbuggy-hall ready to use
Huntsville/Alabama, 05.04.2014

I wake up at 7:30 and go jogging with Mario. After about 30 minutes we make it back to our hotel room, shower, and subsequently eat breakfast. After some brainstorming and planning, we head out to our warehouse. We find that it is messy and clean it.

A lot of vacuuming, brushing and moving stuff later, we got settled in. We bring in our rover parts and Vadim takes advantage of the pull-up bar. We eat some chips, drink some lemonade and hit the road to tour Huntsville. After feeding some ducks and taking a lot of photos, we drive up to Monte Sano to pick up Greg one of our teammates.

We now head back to our hotel and grab our swim trucks, and after a trip to Walmart and a nice picnic at the Tennessee River, we go swimming in an indoor pool. At this point it is around 6:50 pm and we drive to the airport to pick up our team mates, who are flying in from Germany. After a stop at the hotel, those of us who are hungry head to Chipotle for a nice, filling burrito. Afterwards we drive right back to our hotel and collapse in our beds.


User Rating: / 1
Student reports - 2014
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NASA Rover Challenge 2014
Team Germany College
Mario Denzler

Fahrt nach Huntsville und das Kennenlernen der Team Mitglieder
Washington/DC, 04.04.2014

Um 8.15 kommt Herr Heckel zusammen mit Catherine, Vadim und Jevgeni an der DSW an, um den Rover – dessen Demontage sich als „Herausforderung des Tages“ herausstellte – und natürlich Jonathan und mich abzuholen.

Nachdem wir uns von unseren Klassenkameraden und der Schulleitung verabschiedet haben, sind wir um 11.00 aufgebrochen in Richtung Huntsville.
Während der 12-stündigen Fahrt lernen wir uns kennen und ist mir aufgefallen, dass alle außer ich Russisch sprechen oder zumindest verstehen. So musste mir Jonathan hin und wieder etwas erklären; den Dolmetscher spielen.

Nach 5 Zwischenstopps ist es dann soweit und wir kommen am Hotel La Quinta in Huntsville an.
Das Fazit der Fahrt: Immer genug zu trinken dabei haben und Ablenkung wie Musik oder ein gutes Buch kann nicht schaden, denn nach einer gewissen Zeit ertappt man sich immer wieder dabei, wie man ständig auf die Uhr blickt und die Minuten bis zur Ankunft zählt.

Mein Russisch wird sich wohl kaum verbessert haben, doch die Mitreisenden sind alle während der ganzen Fahrt sehr gelassen gewesen (auch sehr erschöpft wegen der langen Reise).
Herr Heckel hat mich freundlicherweise ins Team der Deutschen eingeteilt, dessen Teilnehmer ich noch nicht kenne. Ich bin gespannt auf unsere erste Begegnung und wünsche allen einen guten Start ins Vergnügen!

Mario Denzler,
Schueler der Klasse 9a, DSW

User Rating: / 1
Student reports - 2014
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NASA Rover Challenge 2014
Team Russia Highschool
Jonathan Holtmann

The drive to Huntsville after disassembling the Moonbuggy in Washington
Washington/DC, 04.04.2014

I arrived at school at around 7:50 and then, with my friend Mario, wait for the team from Russia to arrive. At around 8:15 Mr. Heckel arrives with Catherine, Vadim, and Evgeniy. We get to know each other and then head down to disassemble our moonbuggy, and get it into our van.
Two hours later we are done and go to say goodbye to the principal and other staff of the DSW.

Now we start our long journey towards Alabama. Throughout the trip we get to know each other and I engage in a lot of translating for my friend Mario since he doesn’t speak any Russian. Since I was born in Moscow, lived there for a couple of years and speak Russian with my mom, I can speak fluent Russian and translate for Mario and the others. Many stops, and many hours later we finally arrive at our hotel in Huntsville and, after settling in to our rooms, we go to bed.

Jonathan Holtmann

User Rating: / 8
Student reports - 2014
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All these teams are members of the International Space Education Institute. They are preparing a competition at the the NASA Rover Challenge. This is a non-profit and education-project to support the youth in practical, science and economical skills.

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- invest your IDEAS, TIME & ENGAGEMENT: help to complete their NASA-Rover (material-donations)
- donate their costs for travelling to NASA (cash-donations, sponsoring)
- buy mearchandising: a fan T-shirt "Bruno Banani Spacewear with Teamlogo"; Minibuggy-Set

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- 5-10 weitere Artikel (Minibuggy, Sticker, etc.)

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